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R U N N I N G   T H E   S H O W

Page 24

Before giving in detail the steps to be followed in running the show, some general points will be touched on.

Before any public showing, all presentations should be rehearsed as covered in the next section, "Rehearsing".

The fader must always be kept at zero when the house is open, except when testing with all theatre horns turned off, or when voice or music is actually being reproduced, with the motor up to speed, as covered in detail in these instructions. This is necessary (a) to avoid the record surface noise or film noise being noticed (b) to prevent the possibility of noises being heard from the horns at times when the pick-up equipment is being handled (c) to preclude the voice or music being heard in distorted form when the motor is speeding up or slowing down, in case it has to be stopped during a reel from film breakage or other cause.

When making a change-over as described in detail in the instructions which follow, move the fader as smoothly as possible, and if you cannot make a complete change-over in one movement, stop AT ZERO for a fresh grip. Be careful not to overshoot the setting and then have to come back to it.

If the installation includes disc pick-up, always keep the reproducer in the rest except when a record is set up.

Under no circumstances is it permissible to run pictures with synchronized voice or music at any other speed than 90 ft. per minute - that Is to say, when running such pictures the motor control box regulating switch must always be set at "REG", as already mentioned in these Instructions, and never at "VAR". Any adjustment in the timing of the program by speeding up numbers or slowing them down must therefore be done elsewhere than in the synchronized reels.

So that the operator may have immediate and proper notification in case any part of the show is not coming over as it should, a member of the staff designated by the management, perhaps an usher, should remain in the theatre all through the performance. This observer should be competent to judge quality of reproduction, synchronism, etc.; he should be within reach of the observer's telephone and given responsibility for notifying the operator immediately anything goes wrong. He should also keep the operator informed as to how well the house is filled, so that the latter can adjust the volume if necessary. (See "Rehearsing").

Never make the monitor horn so loud that it can be heard outside the projection room; keep the volume up just enough to follow the sound after the numbers have started, and make it a little louder before cues.

Do not cut synchronized film or sound film except in case of breakage (See sections on "Troubles During Show" and "Replacements-Splicing Film"). If it is found desirable to eliminate bows at the end of the film, use the douser. If there is insufficient leader to permit proper threading of the film at