TECHNICOLOR 100 - Presented by the George Eastman House, this 100th anniversary celebration of the founding of Technicolor Motion Picture Corporation is an excellent history of the company to which we all owe so much for its perspicacity and innovation. Loaded with dozens of excellent images. A must read for anyone interested in film tech.
3-D FILM ARCHIVE - For years visitors to The American WideScreen Museum web site have asked for coverage of 3 Dimension systems and films. It was something that I just didn't feel like taking on and that worked out great because Robert Furmanek, an all around expert on 3-D, old and new, has created a new website completely devoted to the subject. If you're into 3-D then click the button and go have fun.
AIN'T IT COOL with HARRY KNOWLES - Okay, fellow geeks, it's time to come out of the closet and admit that you love this sort of movie madness. A wonderful series originally on YouTube then picked up by PBS featuring Über Geek Harry Knowles discussing all sorts of exciting stuff. The imaginitive weekly show is directed by some guy named Brett A. Hart who, if memory serves, used to have a bedroom in the Curator's house. Originally presented by The Nerdist Channel, the Emmy Winning Director migrated the series over to PBS... Sponsored by IMAX no less. |
TRAILERS FROM HELL! - Weird! Strange! Shocking! it's Trailers From Hell. Movie trailers, (Previews), are an art unto themselves. Trailers From Hell! is a rapidly expanding site that contains dozens of weirdly entertaining examples of past movie trailers. Check 'em out. |
THOMAS EDISON - Thomas Edison and his myriad of patents are discussed in this site dedicated to great inventors, and they didn't come any greater than The Wizard of Menlo Park. |
ANTIQUE MOTION PICTURE CAMERAS - Sam Dodge is a very dedicated antique movie camera collector. And by "antique" we're talking about machines upwards of a century old or more. Take a gander at some of the fascinating machines that Sam features on his site. |
WHO'S WHO OF VICTORIAN CINEMA - This website is a biographical guide to the world of Victorian film. It features 300 biographies of those who, behind and in front of the camera, played a significant part in creating the phenomenon of moving pictures. It is based on the book Who's Who of Victorian Cinema, published by the British Film Institute in 1996. |
INTERNET ARCHIVE - SABUCAT TRAILERS - Sabucat Productions has now made available a collection of original trailers dating back into the 1920s and up into the 1970s. The trailers are free for the download in a variety of formats suitable for everything from dial-up connections to high speed data services. This is a fun place to spend a few hours. |
WILLIAM WYLER - William Wyler, the undisputed best director of performance, is discussed on this site. Wyler's actors won more Academy Awards than any other. |
HISTORY OF TELEVISION - A fun, informative, and often surprising history of television going back into the 1920s. Lots of photos of old mechanical sets and transmission gear. |
SUPER DIMENSION 70 - New technology applied to old technology may produce the most stunning realism seen on a movie screen. Check out the SDS 70 web site. And beware, they're keeping an eye on you. |
SHANKWEILER'S DRIVE-IN - The oldest drive-in in the U.S.A., or the world for that matter, and it's still running. The website includes the history of this theatre in addition their current schedules. |
LEONARD MALTIN'S MOVIE CRAZY - America's favorite movie nerd has a great site and lots of content. Give it a shot and you'll probably go back for more. |
FLASH GORDON - This site stirred up memories of the Curator's youth when he watched Flash, Dale & Zarkov battle Ming the Merciless. Lots of facts, photos and many, many great music snips. Never grow up! |
BRITISH SOCIETY OF CINEMATOGRAPHERS - A new site that is growing with new sections and a wonderful history of the society formed in 1949 on the basis created by the American Society of Cinematographers in 1919. |
CINEMA TREASURES - Keeping tabs on the great movie palaces, surviving and not, around the world. |
BIG MOVIE ZONE - IMAX coverage in depth, and more, if that's possible. |
FILM-TECH - If you're more interested in Xenon lamps than a Troy Donohue filmography, then Brad Miller's FILM-TECH web site will have lots to offer you. |
TURNER CLASSIC MOVIES - Our favorite movie channel and now it's supported with one of the best web sites on the Internet. Download or subscribe to online monthly schedules, view multimedia, test your trivial memory, and a lot more fun. Hard to believe that this is part of the AOL empire. |
THE UNITED STATES LIBRARY OF CONGRESS - Get yourself a high speed Internet connection and set aside several hours browsing through this remarkable collection. Among other things the site features early motion pictures and sound recordings. Sorry, no usherettes. |
HISTORY OF THE DISCOVERY OF CINEMATOGRAPHY - Cinematography's roots are traced back to the dawn of man in this fascinating and extremely unusual web site. |
CHARLES URBAN BIOGRAPHY - Excellent biographical information on Charles Urban, pioneer movie mogul and developer of Kinemacolor. Highly recommended. |
CINERAMA ADVENTURE - Details on Cinerama and some of the many astounding facts unearthed in the three year preparation of this feature length documentary. A good companion site to the coverage we provide on Cinerama. |
ROLAND'S CINERAMA SITE - Roland Lataille has amassed a vast collection of printed material on Cinerama and its imitators. |
IN 70MM - Thomas Hauerslev's companion web site for his 70mm Newsletter. The only thing melancholy about this Dane stems from not having enough 70mm. |
30 LINE TELEVISION RECORDINGS - Early television recordings from 1927 - 1935 are featured in this fascinating site. That television was recorded in the 1920s is a bit of a miracle, but that disc recordings could be decoded 70 years later is even more miraculous. |
THEATRE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA - There was a time when going to the movies meant so much more than sitting in a crackerbox cinema. The THSA site is loaded with photos and text covering some of the magnificent movie palaces built in the 20's and 30's. If you're over 40 years old, you'll probably find this site a bit nostalgic. |
CINEMA SIGHTLINES - The Internet's most impassioned plea for a little more showmanship in our theatres. A new site that's still under construction. Look for additions regularly. |
EASTMAN KODAK - Professional Motion Imaging section of the Kodak website. Includes a vast array of informative articles on current and past products. Lot's of browsing potential. |
site dedicated to serve the animation and stop-motion
enthusiast! Contains do-it-yourself instructions on how
to build animation equipment (including a stop-motion
motor for Bolex cameras), useful links and general
animation-related information. A joy to browse just to see
"Albert", the talented worm, ("mato" is
"worm" in Finnish). Don't overlook the "model" railroad content. |
SITE - Contains the text and illustrations
of the original world premiere souvenir program for THIS
at The National Museum of Photography, Film &
Television - Bradford, England. Sensational operating
theater specializing in running large format and Cinerama
films. |
The heyday of the drive-in theater may be gone, but as
Joe Bob Briggs says, "The drive-in will never
die." Take a tour of the Rodeo and see what's going
on behind the scenes of a working drive-in. |
DRIVE-INS DOWN UNDER - The drive-in was introduced to Australia in the mid fifties and was as popular as its American counterparts. David Kilderry hosts an excellent site covering the drive-in and a bit more. |
The Journal of the American Society of Cinematographers. The site has a new address, new look, and much more interesting content than ever before. Access material from issues dating back several years. Someone is to be congratulated.
A fun, informal site on the Australian fraternal society that has produced some of the best cinematographers over the past few decades.
these guys do for a living? Give up? Click the link button at left to find out.
Not where you want to go to find out about what happened to Troy Donohue and Suzanne Pleshette.
The WideScreen Museum's Color Process wing, just in case you missed the link. Examples of early two and three color processes.
Don't tell Jim Cameron that there was a 3mm film format, also 75mm and many others. This interesting site provides a nice history of a variety of common and very uncommon film gauges, amply illustrated with pictures of film, cameras, and projectors.
Former theatre employee John Mills presents his memories of the grand era of a beautiful Super Cinerama theatre.
The envelope please!
The organization whose annual Lifetime Achievement Awards nearly always foreshadow the imminent death of the recipient. |
If you think you know something about the development of
color television in the United States then you just might
be in for a surprise. This well researched and illustrated
web site covers developments by RCA, CBS, and others. A bit
of nostalgia for us older techno-freaks. |
Resource for collectors of films in all gauges. Buy, sell, trade. |
Vitaphone for the new millenium |
As in the brassiere industry, the Double D means there's good stuff to be had. |
Once known as "The Greatest Name in Color". This corporate site provides current product information and historic narrative, though you'll find the stuff in our own "Old Color" section to be more accurate. Please excuse our lack of modesty. |
The Factor Files -
Jarrod Factor offers an interesting site featuring his gripes about showmanship and a good glossery of theatre tech terms along with music and other works he's done. Worth a look. |
The webmaster doesn't care for my describing this site as being a militant letterbox advocacy page but it is. And we need more people telling the story before the great unwashed masses force Blockbuster to carry only pan & scan videos. |
BRITISH KINEMATOGRAPH SOUND and TELEVISION SOCIETY - Technical society dedicated to all media relating to the moving image. Great charts and educational materials may be purchased online.