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The David Mullen Wing

Over the past several years, cinematographer David Mullen has provided the museum with numerous copies of historically valuable reference materials. We dedicate this section to this very nice young man and thank him for sharing the results of his treasure hunting.

August, 1929, Captain Ralph G. Fear promotes his Fearless Superpicture system that predates VistaVision by 25 years.

January, 1930, Recounting wide gauge film formats that were considered old in 1930.

February, 1930, Early report on the first wide gauge system to be used in feature production, Fox Film Corporation's GRANDEUR.

April, 1930, Announcing the Fearless Superfilm Camera, a camera whose time would come in 1954.

September, 1930, Arthur Edesen, A.S.C. discusses the practical aspects of filming with the Fox Grandeur camera in THE BIG TRAIL.

October, 1930, While everyone else was trying to work out a new large format system the author of this article was busy inventing TECHNISCOPE.

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©1997 - 2000 The American WideScreen Museum
Martin Hart, Curator