I. 35mm CinemaScope Prints:
a. Only mag-optical prints will be used, permitting exhibitions with
full Stereophonic magnetic four-track sound reproduction. Exhibitions using single
channel optical track is discouraged and will not be discussed here.
b. Every effort must be made to be absolutely certain that the four track magnetic sound and projection equipment in your theatre is completely overhauled and the necessary adjustments made so that the results on your screen
and sound are as close to perfection as possible.
35mm prints of "Ben-Hur" will be in the standard CS version having an
anamorphic factor of 2. The projector aperture size to be used is .673 high x .839 -
2. In order to minimize horizontal distortion, your screen curvature should be reduced or eliminated. If you install a new screen for the showing of "Ben-Hur," it should be a new, low gain type.
3. Your projectors should be checked and realigned for the showing of "Ben-Hur." The best results are obtained where the screen's reflected light measures about 16- or 17-foot lamberts in the center, and not less than 14-foot lamberts on the sides.
4. The sound system should be adjusted electrically to result in a flat curve
from 100 to 10,000 cycles. The proper final fader or sound level control setting
should be determined during the first showing with a full house.
5. Your projectionist or sound technician should see that the rear speakers
of the screen are properly oriented and electrically and accoustically phased to give
the best results in maximum screen presence, particularly where intimate dialogue is
6. The surround speaker effects of the fourth track of "Ben-Hur are
extremely effective. To develop the greatest performance for your audiences, the
speakers should be so placed and oriented with proper balance level as to result in an
all-encompassing sound effect upon the audience without sharp direction of sound.
II. If special information is required by you, contact Mr. Charles Pati, M-G-M
Inc., 1540 B'way, N.Y. 36, N.Y. Outline your problem in detail for a helpful
solution based on experience.