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It is suggested that you examine your theatre carefully as respects the following points:

      1) Can a picture of twice the width of the present picture be secured within the proscenium, or must it be brought forward of the proscenium, thereby shortening the throw, or must structural alterations be arranged which might either shorten or lengthen the throw?

      2) Should your projection angle to the horizontal be 14 - 15 degrees or more, can the screen frame in the position you desire to place it be tilted to the rear to approximately 6- 7 degrees?

      3) When a patron is seated in any seat, would he be able to see the top and bottom of a picture of the present height and twice the present width, if the screen position is approximately the same as at present? Likewise, will he be able to see the top and bottom of a similar picture should the screen be brought forward or placed to the rear of its present position?

It is suggested that you be able to furnish the equipment supplier with the following information:

      1. Projection Lenses Focal Length Speed Make and Model
      2. Length of projection throw-
          Lens to center of picture
      3. Angle of such throw to the horizontal
          (angle of lamphouse)
      4. Make and Model of Projection Heads
      5. Make, Model and Wattage Rating of present sound system
      6. Make and Model of lamphouses
      7. Present lamp amperage
      8. Size positive carbons used
          Size negative carbons used
      9. Ampere capacity of rectifiers or generators or amperage available from
          outside source

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HTML Transcription © 2000, The American WideScreen Museum