This company neither approves nor withholds approval of screens as being suitable for CinemaScope productions. However, it does definitely feel that the screen plays a very important part in CinemaScope because a CinemaScope picture spreads the available light over twice as large an area as would be the case without the CinemaScope process. The Miracle Mirror and Magniglow Astrolite screens, with their carefully designed optical units, are not simply sheets of fabric sprayed with aluminum or other reflecting materials, but they have been embossed with tiny elements, each one of which is so shaped as to reflect light toward the seats in a theatre and to keep it out of waste spaces. The result is a screen substantially uniform in brightness from side to side when viewed from any seat in the theatre, which is not the c ase with an ordinary high reflection screen with pictures the size of CinemaScope.
20th Century-Fox CinemaScope attractions are available to any exhibitor who can provide a satisfactory projection on whatever screen used.
For the information of exhibitors, listed below are the stock sizes, available through a dealer of the buyer's choice, in Miracle Mirror and Magniglow Astrolite screens. Because of production volume achieved and the virtual elimination of waste due to standardization of these sizes, the price of the stock-size Miracle Mirror and Magniglow Astrolite Screens is $2.10 per square foot. The price of screens for theatres using widths in excess of 50 feet is $3 per square foot. This higher price is necessitated by additional labor costs resulting from custom construction, special design, handling off the production line and outsize packaging.
No single year has seen the perfection of so many technical improvements and advancements in motion picture production and projection as has the one just ending. Insofar as CinemaScope is concerned, the entire range of pioneering and development has been done and financed by 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation. But, the results are of universal importance, for these advancements are placed at the disposal of producers, distributors and exhibitors of the whole industry.
Showmen, critics and ticket-buyers have correctly noted that CinemaScope, through the use of sight, sound and scope, gives a sense of audience participation in a natural dramatic pattern, and with its depth and natural color, adds immeasurably to the illusion of being one with the performers.
Above is pictured the Miracle Mirror Screen, with its millions of tiny "lenses" reflecting greater light. It is an all-purpose screen, completely compatible with and suitable for CinemaScope, standard, 3-D and other wide-screen projection systems. The reader is given a good idea of the width of the Miracle Mirror Screen by the presence of 34 people standing across its width.
Close-upped at left is a section of a standard projection machine with the CinemaScope head. At the right lovely Marilyn Monroe is holding the CinemaScope filming anamorphic-lens used in the projection of CinemaScope productions. Four major studios currently are "shooting" CinemaScope super-attractions